Lisa Newill-Smith
New Music Soprano & Dramatic Coloratura

"Key to this was Lisa Newill-Smith’s magnificent Despina. This was one of the must subtle performances I can recall, splendidly sung and totally alive to the text.”
Brian Hick, The Hastings Observer
"Schließlich ist Lisa Newill-Smith eine witzige und koloratursichere Donna Elvira. Ihre Rollenzeichnung der betrogenen Ehefrau setzt dem Schurken Don Giovanni wirklich etwas entgegen"
"Finally, Lisa Newill-Smith is a witty and musically agile Donna Elvira. Her portrayal of the betrayed wife really sets the villain Don Giovanni against him."
"Personally I loved Lisa Newill-Smith as Gretel (who had also an good German pronunciation)"
“On this occasion, the ladies win hands down. That difficult solo “The hours Creep on Apace” is performed with ease by soprano Lisa Newill-Smith as Josephine who moves gracefully across the stage....”
Julie Taylor, remotegoat.co.uk